About Wakefield CAP

The working/draft mission of Wakefield Climate Action Project of Wakefield Massachusetts USA is to create and promote programs that address global climate and environmental issues. Our current projects include supporting a farmer's market in Wakefield (Farmer's Market), encouraging elementary students at Dolbeare and other schools to walk to school in the mornings (Walking School Bus), hosting educational forums at the library (Educational Forums), working to encourage expansion of town recycling efforts (Recycling), and NEW - initiating an Anti-Idling Campaign in Wakefield. You can get more information on these projects by clicking on the links on the right or on our Home Page http://www.wakefieldcap.org/

We are always looking for new members and good project ideas. If you are interested in joining us or have an idea for a project, email us at: info@wakefieldcap.org.

Also, join us on Facebook.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Be A Trash Terminator

1.      RECYCLE MORE! Find out about the items you can recycle at 1-800-CLEANUP or www.earth911.org

2.      Choose products with minimal packaging and buy in bulk. Avoid individual-wrapped items. A jumbo box of cereal uses less packaging than several single serving-sized boxes.

3.      Choose durable, reusable products over single-use, disposable items. Use cloth napkins instead of paper ones. Get your coffee in a refillable mug. Use canvas bags for shopping.

4.      Reduce junk mail.  Find out how to get your name removed from unwanted mailing lists at www.junkmailstopper.com
5.      Reuse bags, containers, packaging materials and other items. Bags, cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, packing peanuts and padded envelopes can be used many times. Be creative!

6.      Compost.  Recycle leaves, grass, food scraps, paper towels, coffee grounds and tea bags into great garden soil.  Black gold!

7.      Donate unwanted items to charities or have a yard sale.

8.      Choose items with a recycled-content label.  This saves precious resources and is the key to making recycling work!!

9.      Keep toxic home and garden products out of the trash.  Learn about non-toxic alternatives at www.turi.org/community

10.     Reduce your use of paper.  Use e-mail, get bank statements and newsletters on-line and use the library.

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