About Wakefield CAP

The working/draft mission of Wakefield Climate Action Project of Wakefield Massachusetts USA is to create and promote programs that address global climate and environmental issues. Our current projects include supporting a farmer's market in Wakefield (Farmer's Market), encouraging elementary students at Dolbeare and other schools to walk to school in the mornings (Walking School Bus), hosting educational forums at the library (Educational Forums), working to encourage expansion of town recycling efforts (Recycling), and NEW - initiating an Anti-Idling Campaign in Wakefield. You can get more information on these projects by clicking on the links on the right or on our Home Page http://www.wakefieldcap.org/

We are always looking for new members and good project ideas. If you are interested in joining us or have an idea for a project, email us at: info@wakefieldcap.org.

Also, join us on Facebook.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dolbeare Walking School Bus returns for Spring


Finally, FINALLY winter is over, the weather is better and the Dolbeare Walking School Bus program is up and running again. We will walk rain or shine, unless the temperature is below 32F or the weather is severe.

Currently we have one formal bus, the “Lowell Street” bus. Come join us and enjoy the nice weather, chat with friends, get energized, save gas and help the environment—simply by walking to school! If you are interested in joining this bus or starting one in your neighborhood, please contact Sherri Carlson at sjcarlson21@verizon.net or 781-246-2106. For further information visit www.wakefield.k12.ma.us and click on the Dolbeare’s “Walking School Bus” link.

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